富邦藝術基金會 2014粉樂町



About Google Cultural Institute

Google Arts & Culture is a non-commercial initiative. We work with cultural institutions and artists around the world. A new way of experiencing art... · Partner with us · Our latest news

Art Project – Cultural Institute

Art Project 是我們與世界上最負盛名的藝術機構之間獨特的合作計劃,目的是讓人們在線上也能發掘及欣賞藝術作品的細緻精隨。與我們合作的機構超過250 家,我們已將數萬件 ...

Google Art Project

Google Arts & Culture features content from over 2000 leading museums and archives who have partnered with the Google Cultural Institute to bring the ...

Google Arts & Culture

Play with art, games, and more · Make Music With Machine Learning · Embark on a Cultural Tour with AI · Transform Into Vermeer's Iconic Painting. What the Art? · Play with Google Arts & Culture · Art Filter · Art Movements

Google Arts & Culture

With this extension, in every new Chrome tab you'll see masterpieces ranging from Van Gogh and Monet, all the way to contemporary works from street artists ...

Google Arts & Culture

Google Arts & Culture (formerly Google Art Project) is an online platform of high-resolution images and videos of artworks and cultural artifacts

Google 藝術與文化

Google 藝術與文化精選超過2000 家知名博物館和檔案中心的館藏內容。這些單位與Google Cultural Institute 合作,共同在線上展出世界各地的珍貴資產。


Google Arts & Culture(前名Google Art Project)於推出,Google與世界各地博物館合作,利用Google街景技術拍攝博物館內部實景,並且以超高解析像拍攝館內歷史 ...

在家也能欣賞各大藝術作品 Google Art Project啟動!

其實是因為Google Art Project把這些名作拿來當首頁底圖了!Google Art Project會把首頁圖的相關資訊放在右下角,而在左上方會放上作品全圖,典藏博物館的名字和實景,讓喜歡這 ...


GoogleArts&Cultureisanon-commercialinitiative.Weworkwithculturalinstitutionsandartistsaroundtheworld.Anewwayofexperiencingart...·Partnerwithus·Ourlatestnews,ArtProject是我們與世界上最負盛名的藝術機構之間獨特的合作計劃,目的是讓人們在線上也能發掘及欣賞藝術作品的細緻精隨。與我們合作的機構超過250家,我們已將數萬件 ...,GoogleArts&Culturefeaturescontentfromover2000leadingmuseumsandarchivesw...